ZigBeeForDomoticZ plugin Wiki

Zigbee for Domoticz Version 7.1


This documentation aims to provide an overview of the key features found in version 7.1 of the plugin. Additionally, it outlines the requirements for migrating to this version. Notably, as version 7.1 necessitates a minimum Python 3 version, automatic updates from the previous 6.3 version will not be available. Users will need to actively engage in the upgrade process to transition to the latest version.


Once you have upgraded to version 7.1, please note that reverting to a previous version using a simple git checkout xxxx is not possible. In the event that you need to switch back to a previous version, it will be necessary to restore your backup and carefully reinstate both the Domoticz environment and the Plugin setup.


Python3.8 is required to run the plugin in version 7.1. In case you are still on a PI with Buster, this is not compatible and you must move first to Bullseye prior planning to upgrade the plugin to 7.1

How-to upgrade to 7.1

  1. Make the necessary backup before doing any update. This could save you a lot of time, headaches.

    • To backup the plugin refer to the wiki, and don’t forget that you should backup Domoticz and the plugin in the same time window to prevent any miss-match.
  2. Make sure you run python3.8 or above. If you are on buster, you have to upgrade to Bullseye first

    python3 --version

  3. Update the the repository, and switch to stable7 from the plugin home directory plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee

     git pull
     git checkout stable7
     git pull

    you might have to use sudoin order to execute the above commands with the root privileges.

  4. Install and update the required python3 modules

    from the plugin home directory plugins/Domoticz-Zigbee

     sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
    • sudo is required as usually domoticz runs under root user
