ZigBeeForDomoticZ plugin Wiki

Zlinky TIC Integration


Purpose is to describe the integration of the ZLinky_TIC module in the plugin and Domoticz

Integration status

Linky mode Status Coordinator Comments
Historique Mono base OK @deufo (Electrolama zzh)  
Historique Mono HCHP Ok @krakoukas (ZiGate V2)  
Historique Mono EJP      
Historique Mono Tempo      
Historique Tri base      
Historique Tri HCHP      
Historique Tri EJP      
Historique Tri Tempo WIP @jp_keros  
Standard Mono base Ok @pipiche (Elelabs shield)  
Standard Mono HCHP Ok @pipiche (zzh-p)  
Standard Mono EJP      
Standard Mono Tempo Ok @erick31  
Standard Tri base      
Standard Tri HCHP      
Standard Tri EJP      
Standard Tri Tempo      

Domoticz Widgets after ZLinky pairing

ZLinky Widgets on Domoticz

Afer pairing your Zlinky module quiet an extensive numbers of Widgets will be created ( 11 in Total)

In conclusion if you have a TEMPO contract with a tri-phase installation, then all 11 widgets are going to be used.

The 11 Widgets will be used if you are in tri-phases and TEMPO subscription. In case of mono-phase and Base Contract only the Blue widgets will be used In case you have a tri-phase

Description of each Widget

  1. _Power 01: report the apparent power. ATTENTION, this is is not real power in W, but only AV.
  2. _Meter 01: report apparent power and meter it, so you can get the accumulated power a long the day. ATTENTION, this is is not real power in W, but only AV. This widget as been discontinued as it is not possible to manage several Indexes.
  3. _Ampere3 01: report the current. If you have a tri-phases setup, all phase/line will be reported into this one, allowing you to see if this is well balanced.

_P1Meter_SL xx counters are updated only when receiving a new comsuption state and consequently the Power displayed on the P1Meter widget will be updated at that time. You can notice some discrapency between the P1Meter Power and the Power reported on the _Power 01 or _Meter 01 which are updated every time a power update is provided

  1. _P1Meter_ZL 01: report the power consumption, and manage peak and off-peak power (for Base, EJP contract; for Tempo it will report Blue days consumption)
  2. _P1Meter_ZL f2: report power consumption, manage peak and off-peak power of TEMPO contract. White day.
  3. _P1Meter_ZL f3: report power consumption, manage peak and off-peak power of TEMPO contract. Red day.
  4. _Alarm_ZL 01: Will report alarm on Intensity for mono and phase 1 of tri-phases setup
  5. _Alarm_ZL f2: Will report alarm on Intensity for phase 2 of tri-phases setup
  6. _Alarm_ZL f3: Will report alarm on Intensity for phase 3 of tri-phases setup
  7. _Alarm_ZL2 01: Will report Next day color for TEMPO contract, or Mobile Peak for EJP contract
  8. _Alarm_ZL3 01: Will report the tarif of the day

IMPORTANT (for now)

In case you are in BASE or EJP contract, and you decide to remove some of the widgets which are not used actually, you can. But if later on you move from BASE to TEMPO contract , unfortunatly the removed widgets won’t be created, and you will have to start from scratch ( removeing all widgets and redoing the pairing)

Domoticz Widgets : mapping to TIC attributes

Widget Name Widget Type Mono Tri Base HCHP EJP TEMPO TIC Attributes Details
Power Power X X X X X X PAPP Power in VA ( not Watts)
Meter Meter X X X X X X PAPP Power in VA ( not Watts)
_P1Meter_ZL 01 P1Meter X   X X X X BASE, HCHP, HCHC, EJPHN, EJPHPM, BBRHCJB, BBRHPJB, PAPP 1st: Power in VA, 2nd: Consumption in Wh
_P1Meter_ZL f2 P1Meter           X BBRHCJW, BBRHPJW 1st: Power in VA, 2nd: Consumption in Wh
_P1Meter_ZL f3 P1Meter           X BBRHCJR, BBRHPJR 1st: Power in VA, 2nd: Consumption in Wh
_Ampere3 Current X X         IINST, IINST1, IINST2, IINST3 Current in A
_Alarm_ZL 01 * Alarm X X         ADPS, ADIR1 80% - 01, 90% 02 , 98 03, Over 05
_Alarm_ZL f2 * Alarm   X         ADIR2 80% - 01, 90% 02 , 98 03, Over 05
_Alarm_ZL F3 * Alarm   X         ADIR3 80% - 01, 90% 02 , 98 03, Over 05
_Alarm_ZL2 Alarm         X X DEMAIN (For Tempo), EJP (for EJP) Next day color ( Blue, White, Red)
_Alarm_ZL3 Alarm           X PTEC Current Tarif HN, HC, HP, B,W,R …
_EJP Alarm         X   PEJP prior notice EJP ( 30min)

TIC attributes not available via Widget

This attributes are store if received , and can be check via the Tools

Commande TIC CLUSTER Attribut Droit data type unit designation valeur par defaut
ADC0 0x0702 0x0308 RO String - Serial Number NULL
OPTARIF 0xFF66 0x0000 RO String - Option tarifaire BASE
ISOUSC 0x0B01 0x000D RO Uint16 A Intensité souscrite 0
IMAX 0x0B04 0x050A RO Uint16 A Intensité maximale 0xFFFF
IMAX1 0x0B04 0x050A RO Uint16 A Intensité maximale phase 1 0xFFFF
IMAX2 0x0B04 0x090A RO Uint16 A Intensité maximale phase 2 0xFFFF
IMAX3 0x0B04 0x0A0A RO Uint16 A Intensité maximale phase 3 0xFFFF
PMAX 0x0B04 0x050D RO Uint16 W Puissance maximale triphasée atteinte 0x8000
PTEC 0x0702 0x0020 RO String - Periode tarifaire en cours NULL
DEMAIN 0xFF66 0x0001 RP String - Couleur du lendemain NULL
HHPHC 0xFF66 0x0002 RO Uint8 - Horaire Heure Pleines Heures Creuses 0
PPOT 0xFF66 0x0003 RO Uint8 - Présence des potentiels 0

Automatic reporting and configuration

Zigbee allows to configure the device to report automatically attributes either on value change or after a period of Time. For those who have a TI or SiliconLabs or deConz based coordinator, you can edit the reporting setting. Please be aware that the ZLinky firwmare is putting some constraint and not all of the attribute can be automatically reported.

All Indexes ( Base, HCHP, EJP, BBRx ) are configured with the following setting

Setting Value Description
Min 0x000e ( 15 ) Cannot be often than every 15 secondes
Max 0x0e10 ( 3600) Cannot be less than every hours
Change 0x1 as soon as there is 1 more Wh to the index it should be reported (depending on the MIN)

Instant Power ( or Puissance Apparente ) is configured as follow:

Setting Value Description
Min 0x000e ( 15 ) Cannot be often than every 15 secondes
Max 0x0e10 ( 3600) Cannot be less than every hours
Change 0x1 as soon as there is 1 Ampere change it should be reported (depending on the MIN)

Polling mecanism

Because ZLinky doesn’t provide Configure Reporting capabilities for all attributes, we have put in place a polling mecanism with the following parameters

Parameter Default Value Description
PollingCusterff66 86400 Will read all ZLinky manufacturer relevant attributes
ZLinkyPollingGlobal 86400 Will read all ZLinky attributes on cluster 0x0702, 0x0b01, 0x0b04
ZLinkyPollingPTEC 900 Every 900s ( 15 minutes) we retreive the Current Tarif. This will allow to get if we are in HC, HP …
ZLinkyIndexes “12:30” Will retreive the PTEC information at a specific time here 12:30
