Version | API | Verbs | Description |
1 | bind-lst-cluster | GET | Get a list of potential binding clusters |
1 | bind-lst-device | GET | Get a list of potential binding devices for a given cluster |
1 | binding | PUT | Bind 2 devices |
1 | casaia-list-devices | GET | |
1 | casaia-update-ircode | PUT | |
1 | clear-error-history | GET | |
1 | dev-cap | GET | |
1 | dev-command | PUT | |
1 | device | GET | list the all Domoticz widgets related to this plugin |
1 | domoticz-env | GET | |
1 | log-error-history | GET | |
1 | new-hrdwr | GET | |
1 | nwk-stat | GET, DELETE | list the timestamp of Network Interference reports. If you add TimeStamp as a parameter you’ll get the report for this TimeStamp |
1 | ota-firmware-device-list | GET | |
1 | ota-firmware-list | GET | |
1 | ota-firmware-update | PUT | |
1 | permit-to-join | GET, PUT | give the current PermitToJoin state, and update it (PUT) |
1 | plugin | GET | list all Domoticz plugin parameters |
1 | plugin-health | GET | Provides health/status information. HealthFlag reports a value of 0 to 3 and HealthTxt reports a text statement. The HealthFlag are 0 - Plugin is off, 1 - Green/Operational, 2 - Yellow/Operational but under tension, 3 - Red/Problem |
1 | plugin-restart | GET | |
1 | plugin-stat | GET | list the main Transport statistics |
1 | raw-command | PUT | |
1 | rcv-nw-hrdwr | GET | |
1 | req-nwk-full | GET | |
1 | req-nwk-inter | GET | Start a Network interferences discovery |
1 | req-topologie | GET | Start a Network Topology discovery |
1 | rescan-groups | GET | |
1 | restart-needed | GET | Will respond if the Plugin needs to be restarted -due to a channge- or not |
1 | scan-device-for-grp | PUT | |
1 | setting | GET, PUT | list the all plugin configurable parameters and update them (PUT) |
1 | setting-debug | GET, PUT | |
1 | sw-reset-zigate | GET | Software Reset of Zigate |
1 | topologie | GET, DELETE | with no parameters, list the timestamp for which we have a Topology, with a TimeStamp as a parameter will send a full Topology report taken at that time |
1 | unbinding | PUT | Unbind 2 devices |
1 | zdevice | GET, DELETE | list the all Devices paired with the plugin |
1 | zdevice-name | GET, PUT, DELETE | list the all Devices paired with the plugin with limited information and with the list of Domoticz Widget associated , PUT allows the update of ZDeviceName |
1 | zdevice-raw | GET, PUT | Send the raw ListOfDevices data |
1 | zgroup | GET, PUT | list the current groups |
1 | zgroup-list-available-device | GET | List all eligeable devices for been part of a Group |
1 | zigate | GET | Provide the Zigate informations as IEEE, NwkID, PANid, ExtendedPANID and Channel |
1 | zigate-about | Provide a short text description of the plugin as well as the list of main contributors. | |
1 | zigate-erase-PDM | GET | Erase Permanent Data Memory of Zigate |
1 | zigate-mode | GET |