ZigBeeForDomoticZ plugin Wiki

Debugging mode for ZigBeeForDomoticZ Plugin


The aim of this document is to give you some hints on how to debug and also provide more information to the developer when reporting an issue.

This would required a plugin version greater than 4.8

The Debugging options

The debugging options are available from the Web admin interface in the Menu Settings, and you have to enable Advanced

Debugging Options

Option Purpose
debugMatchId you can specify here a short address or and IEEE of a specific device you want to track. In that case you will only see debug messages related to that specific address (short or IEEE)
Use Domoticz Log By default enabled, the plugin logs are issued in the Domoticz log. If you disable this, you will have the plugin Logs written in files under the plugin Logs folder ( Domoticz-Zigbee/Logs/ )

The Plugin Modules

Module Description
Input All incoming messages (from the coordinator)
Output All out going messages (to the coordinator)
Cluster decoding incoming messages. This is where we extract information from the messages payload
Heartbeat executed every 5s to perform recurring actions
Widget Updating Domoticz Widgets, usually call from Input or Cluster modules
Plugin the plugin program
Database Managing plugin database
Command Handling all actions from DomoticZ, usually calling Output to perform coordinator actions

Use Cases

Case 1: I do not see a sensor updating widgets on DomoticZS

In that case you need to check if we have incoming messages, if they are correctly processed, if they are pushed to DomoticZ for update.

  1. Enable debugInput, debugCluster and debugWidget
  2. set debugMatchId with the Short Address of this particular sensor, so you will limit the logs.
  3. You can disable the Use Domoticz Log and then restart the plugin to collect those logs into a specif file.

  4. Do what ever to be done to make the sensor sending messages, and collect the logs for analysis

Case 2: I have a new device paired, but it looks like it is not well recognized

  1. Enable debugInput, debugCluster, debugWidget, debugOutput and debugCommand
  2. set debugMatchId with the Short Address of this particular sensor, so you will limit the logs.
  3. You can disable the Use Domoticz Log and then restart the plugin to collect those logs into a specif file.

  4. Perform actions from Domoticz and check the logs ( debugCommand and debugOutput )
  5. Perform actions on the device to stimulate activities and check the logs ( deugInput, debugCluster, debugWidget)

Short Address and IEEE